Chris Gustin + Guest Artist Doug Casebeer
NEW Dates: June 14 - 23, 2021
Coils, Slabs and Curls: TDT welcomes Chris Gustin + Doug Casebeer for an exciting ten days of pushing boundaries, squeezing coils, rolling slabs + paddling boards. Three beginner surf lessons included with this workshop package!
Making larger scaled pots on the wheel requires both keen throwing skill and strength. Yet potters for thousands of years have found easier and simpler means of working with larger scaled pots by using simple coils of clay for construction. One on top of another, building with coils offer a tremendous possibility for the potter to pursue both scale and form.
This workshop will explore pottery form through the use of the coil + slab. But big isn’t necessarily best, so we will also look at the history of ceramics and how the use of geometry, ratio, proportion and the relationship between simple shapes (ie. the circle, square, rectangle and triangle) have been used by potters of all cultures to create structure in both the making of pottery and the decoration of surface.
Cristina Cordova
Details coming soon. Waitlist only.