Join us for the 14th Annual Todos Santos Open Studios Artists’ Studio Tour, Saturday and Sunday January 25/26, 2025 — kick-off party Friday January 24th. My “new” studio will be open to the public for the first time, just uphill from my former location at Taller de Terreno. PLEASE NOTE that our original location for Taller de Terreno is now being passed along to new owners, and we ask that you respect their privacy, using our entrance at the VERY top of the hill, one mile up from the main beach road. Look for the green flags at the corner, and marking my artist-neighbor Jenni Ward’s location + mine. Jenni’s is first up, then to find my studio continue uphill PAST the large concrete bunker and to my rammed earth and steel gate, pictured here:
all the way up the hill 1 mile to top! amazing views!
I will be presenting a selection of wood-fired ceramic wares, both pottery and sculpture, alongside my one-of-a-kind acrylic on plywood paintings. The studio is just inside this gate to the left down a short driveway. PLEASE PARK OUTSIDE THE GATE so as not to block others.
wheel-thrown ceramic hand grenades by Christa Assad
acrylic on plywood paintings by Christa Assad